Hello, my name is

Paul Figueroa

Web Developer

About me

I am a career changing web developer with a passion for creativity and new technologies

Former musician and tech turned developer

My experience as a professional touring musician and backline technician equipped me with a unique skill set, tailor made to transition into web development. Teamwork, abstract thinking, and the ability to learn new skills are second nature to me.

With a strong background in music, I have learned how to be logical, methodical, and analytical while learning and working with solutions to problems.   Reading and playing music have taught me how to recognize and manipulate patterns. I have learned there is a correlation between musical ability and reasoning skills, which has helped me navigate my way through learning to problem solve with code.


My Experience


web developer - soundrig

SoundRig is a LE4F Agency client project which has brought me on as an official team member. My previous experience as an artist in the music industry brought invaluable insight. I spearheaded the genesis launch of 7 music NFT collections, coding JSON metadata to specified standards. I also maintain the Webflow website, adding features such as a token gated page for viewing an e-magazine.


Web Developer - LE4F Agency

I joined the LE4F Agency as a freelance web developer in September 2022. I fulfill multiple roles, contributing to client websites built with Webflow, fixing bugs and adding custom JavaScript code where needed. I also expanded the agencies offerings by adding AWS S3 bucket file hosting for client projects where needed.


backend / full-stack web developer

I have independently studied web technologies with a focus on backend. I have completed several tutorials and courses on PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and Python. I am now focused on building full stack web apps and expanding my knowledge base.


Todd Rundgren 

backline technician / stage manager

As part of a professional touring crew, I maintained all on stage musical equipment for a five piece rock band. I was promoted to Stage Manager and decreased load-in/load-out time by up to 50% by using digital cargo loading software to visualize the trailer pack.



drummer / owner

I co-wrote and performed live music as part of a touring rock band. I was involved in all aspects of the band's business, from merchandise to touring logistics. I secured several endorsements for the group, which increased promotions and reduced expenses on tour.

My Projects

As a new father, I wanted to make sure my son had access to quality educational programming. The problem: I couldn’t track down which streaming service hosted those programs! I decided to take matters into my own hands… Behold: StreamQuest! A simple user interface, powered by the Watchmode API, allows you to conduct a search to find your favorite kid-friendly programming or plan your next weekend binge session. Hop on over and let the chillin’ commence. 

This is a full stack web app built with Laravel and a Vue.js front end. I incorporated the Jetstream scaffold to support future feature updates with its built-in extensibility. Jetstream also uses Tailwind CSS by default.  The app is deployed to a Digital Ocean droplet. Check out the Github repo here.

The Marketplace is a simple mock e-commerce site. Guests can browse posted products, add items to a shopping cart, view product comments, and checkout/purchase the items in their cart. If one chooses to register, they can add/edit/delete products, and submit comments on listed products. **Please note, due to Heroku’s recent pricing changes, this site is no longer active. I’m exploring alternate solutions such as Digital Ocean / Render**

This full stack web app was my first independent build. I used plain PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap for styling, and deployed via Heroku. The checkout function is served via the Stripe APISubmission of product photos is currently disabled. Photos are populated via Lorem Picsum by matching the product id to a photo id. This site was built for testing and education purposes only, and should not be considered a production ready build. Check out the Github repo here.